Week 5 Assignment

Week 5 Assignment


This week's assignment adds sorting functionality to the shopping list application. The source of the items will be from a JSON file, demonstrating how to load and use static data.

Part 1: Initial Setup

Link to the Week 5 Page

Edit the project file /app/page.js and add a link to week-5 in the list of links.

Create the Folder and Files

Create the folder /app/week-5 and the files page.js, item-list.js, and item.js inside it. If you completed the Week 3 Assignment, you can copy the files from that assignment into this folder.


Create a file called items.json in the /app/week-5 folder. This file contains the data for the shopping list. It is an array of objects, where each object represents an item in the list.

Copy the following data into the file:

    "id": "1h2GJKH12gkHG31h1H",
    "name": "milk, 4 L ๐Ÿฅ›",
    "quantity": 1,
    "category": "dairy"
    "id": "2KJH3k2j3H1k2J3K1H",
    "name": "bread ๐Ÿž",
    "quantity": 2,
    "category": "bakery"
    "id": "3h2KJH3k2j3H1k2J3",
    "name": "eggs, dozen ๐Ÿฅš",
    "quantity": 2,
    "category": "dairy"
    "id": "4k2J3K1H2GJKH12gk",
    "name": "bananas ๐ŸŒ",
    "quantity": 6,
    "category": "produce"
    "id": "5H1h1H2KJH3k2j3H",
    "name": "broccoli ๐Ÿฅฆ",
    "quantity": 3,
    "category": "produce"
    "id": "6H1k2J3K1H2GJKH1",
    "name": "chicken breasts, 1 kg ๐Ÿ—",
    "quantity": 1,
    "category": "meat"
    "id": "7gkHG31h1H2KJH3k",
    "name": "pasta sauce ๐Ÿ",
    "quantity": 3,
    "category": "canned goods"
    "id": "8j3H1k2J3K1H2GJK",
    "name": "spaghetti, 454 g ๐Ÿ",
    "quantity": 2,
    "category": "dry goods"
    "id": "9H12gkHG31h1H2KJ",
    "name": "toilet paper, 12 pack ๐Ÿงป",
    "quantity": 1,
    "category": "household"
    "id": "10H3k2j3H1k2J3K1",
    "name": "paper towels, 6 pack",
    "quantity": 1,
    "category": "household"
    "id": "11k2J3K1H2GJKH12",
    "name": "dish soap ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ",
    "quantity": 1,
    "category": "household"
    "id": "12GJKH12gkHG31h1",
    "name": "hand soap ๐Ÿงผ",
    "quantity": 4,
    "category": "household"

Build the Item Component

No change from the Week 3 Assignment.

In item.js, create a functional component named Item. This component should accept name, quantity, and category as props and display them in a list item element.

Build the Page Component

No change from the Week 3 Assignment.

In page.js, create a functional component named Page that returns a main element wrapped around an h1 "Shopping List" header and the ItemList component.

Part 2: Build the ItemList Component

Setup ItemList Component

Remove all item variables (const item1 etc.) from the ItemList component.

Import the useState hook from React, the Item component, and the items from the JSON file.

Initialize State Variable

  • Use the useState hook to create a state variable sortBy and its setter function setSortBy. This will be used to determine the sorting preference of the user.
  • Set the initial value of sortBy to "name", indicating that the list should initially be sorted by name.

Sort the Items

  • Use JavaScript's sort function to sort the items array based on the sortBy state variable.
  • If sortBy is "name", sort the items by their name property.
  • If sortBy is "category", sort the items by their category property.

Create Sort Buttons

  • Create two buttons that allow the user to change the value of sortBy to "name" or "category". These buttons should change the sorting of the items when clicked.
  • Use the setSortBy function in the onClick event handlers of these buttons to change the value of sortBy.
  • Use conditional rendering to change the background color of the buttons based on the current value of sortBy. This gives the user a visual indication of what the current sorting preference is.

Render the Items

Use the map function to create a new Item component for each item in the items array. Don't forget to provide a unique key prop for each Item (you can use the item's id for this purpose).

Optional Extra Challenge

Add a third button to the page that groups the list by category. The categories and items for each category are sorted alphabetically. Hints: use the JS reduce method and Tailwind CSS capitalize.

For example:


  • bread ๐Ÿž

Canned Goods

  • pasta sauce ๐Ÿ


  • eggs, dozen ๐Ÿฅš
  • milk, 4 L ๐Ÿฅ›


Example Output

https://cprg306-assignments.vercel.app/week-5 (opens in a new tab)

Part 3: Assignment Submission

The instructor will be able to find your assignment in your GitHub repository. Make sure you have committed and pushed your changes to GitHub before the assignment deadline.

Check your GitHub account to see if your assignment has been correctly pushed.