Project: Phase 2 - Sprint 2
Welcome to the second sprint of Phase 2 in your project! This week, you'll build upon the progress you made during the first sprint. Below are the specific requirements for this sprint.
Commit Requirements
As with the first sprint, each member of your group (or just you, if working individually) must make at least one meaningful commit to the project repository during this sprint.
By the end of this sprint, you should update your deployed application to reflect the changes and improvements you've made during this sprint. All changes should be pushed to your GitHub repository and automatically deployed to Vercel. Keeping your deployed application current allows for effective testing and debugging in a live environment.
Sprint Goals
In this sprint, continue working towards the goals and milestones defined during Phase 1. Work on the specific features, functionality, or sections of your application that were identified for this period. If you faced challenges in the first sprint that prevented you from meeting all your goals, now is the time to address them.
Remember, the overarching objective of this sprint is to further develop your project. Keep up the good work!