Web Development 2
Intro to Web Development 2
Course Overview
- Instructor introduction
Meet Each Other
Stand up, walk around. Talk to one person you know and one person you don't know. Ask each other:
- What's your name?
- Where are you from?
- Why did you choose Software Development diploma at SAIT?
- What do you want to be when you grow up (i.e. graduate)?
What will you learn in this course?
- Learn intermediate JavaScript skills
- Learn how to build a full-stack web application using modern tools and technologies
- Develop a portfolio of web applications using technologies that are in high demand in the industry
- Essential course to prepare you for capstone (most projects are web apps)
- Learn how to use AI tools effectively
(I'm sorry)
Weekly Class Structure
In person class (3 hours)
- Short lecture/demo
- Start and try to complete the weekly assignment
Online class (2 hours)
- Read the weekly content, complete the interactive exercises
- Get one-on-one help from your instructor
This website
All content: schedule, readings, slides, activities, assignments, project, exam info
Brightspace Course Shell
- Notification of deadlines (if subscribed)
- Grades
- Midterm Exam
Assignment and project submissions
Classroom Agreement
- Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from them
- Make wise choices to support your learning
- Collaborate and cooperate
- Work together to learn the material
- Include people if they look excluded
- Take ownership of your learning
Getting Help
- During class time:
- Help each other. Do not work alone.
- Ask me in person or through MS Teams chat.
- Outside of class time:
- Help each other. Do not work alone.
- Free tutor (more details coming soon)
- Stack Overflow, YT, Kagi/Google/DDG
- Various AI tools, e.g. Phind, ChatGPT Plus
- Do you accept late submissions?
- No.
- Can I work ahead?
- The course is not designed for you to work ahead, but there's no specific reason why you couldn’t. There is no speed limit.
- May I share code with my friends?
- Yes. Collaboration is encouraged. Make sure you understand what you are doing. Remember: learning is your responsibility.
FAQ (continued)
- Should I still come to class if it's not required?
- Yes! Collaborate in person. Increase your personal network. Better and more positive experience.
Quick Review of Week 1 Content
Discuss Week 1 Assignment
Demonstrate GitHub, GitHub Desktop, and VS Code.